Markus Ruhls Real Workout Routine & Diet Pla

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Markus Ruhls Real Workout Routine & Diet Pla

Markus Ruhl is a name that resonates with awe and admiration in the world of bodybuilding. Known for his unparalleled size and strength, Ruhl became an icon by pushing the limits of what was thought possible in the sport.

As one of the biggest and most muscular competitors to ever grace the Mr. Olympia stage, his physique was a testament to extreme dedication, hard work, and an unrelenting desire to be the best.

But behind the enormous muscle mass and intense stage presence lies a carefully crafted workout routine and diet plan that fueled his success. Whether you're an aspiring bodybuilder or a seasoned athlete, there's much to learn from how Markus approached his training and nutrition.

In this article, we’ll dive into the details of Markus Ruhl’s real workout routine and diet plan, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to elevate their fitness journey.

The Legend of Markus Ruhl

Markus Ruhl's journey to bodybuilding greatness is one defined by sheer perseverance and a relentless commitment to pushing the boundaries of physical possibility.

Born in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1972, Markus didn’t initially set out to become a professional bodybuilder. In fact, his career began quite differently—playing soccer and working in car sales. It wasn’t until a shoulder injury at age 19 led him to the gym for rehabilitation that he discovered his passion for lifting weights.

What started as a recovery effort soon transformed into an obsession with building mass and strength, setting him on a path to becoming one of the most recognized figures in bodybuilding.

Despite a late start compared to many of his peers, Markus quickly made a name for himself with his exceptional work ethic and massive physique. His gargantuan shoulders and chest earned him the reputation of being one of the most muscular bodybuilders of his era.

Markus’ hard work culminated in his IFBB Pro status in 1999, and he went on to compete in some of the most prestigious competitions, including the Mr. Olympia contest, where his enormous size turned heads and challenged conventional standards of bodybuilding aesthetics.

What set Ruhl apart was not just his impressive frame, but his willingness to push the limits of what the human body could achieve. Standing 5’10” and weighing up to 280 pounds in competition shape, Markus was a force to be reckoned with.

He defied critics who doubted whether someone of his size could maintain symmetry and proportion, proving that extreme muscle mass, when combined with sharp conditioning, could be a winning formula.

Though Ruhl never captured the coveted Mr. Olympia title, his impact on the sport is undeniable. His unique combination of size, strength, and intensity left an indelible mark on bodybuilding, inspiring countless athletes to dream bigger, lift heavier, and strive for their own version of greatness.

Markus Ruhl’s Training Philosophy

Markus Ruhl’s approach to training was rooted in three core principles: size, strength, and intensity. From the very start of his bodybuilding career, Ruhl recognized that to stand out, he needed to build mass and maintain a level of strength that matched his incredible physique. 

For him, size was more than just about appearance—it was about functionality and power. His training philosophy centered on the belief that to achieve extreme muscle growth, he had to lift heavier weights than anyone else and do it consistently.

Unlike bodybuilders who may prioritize aesthetics over performance, Ruhl’s training placed equal importance on strength and mass. He knew that to carry his legendary size on stage, every muscle group needed to be developed to its maximum potential.

This required pushing his body beyond the norm with grueling workouts that combined heavy lifting with high-volume repetition. For Ruhl, intensity wasn’t just a part of his routine—it was the driving force behind his success.

His philosophy also extended beyond just the physical. Ruhl was known for his mental toughness in the gym, never backing down from a challenge and constantly striving to exceed his own limits. This mindset enabled him to maintain a level of consistency that was critical in his pursuit of becoming one of the biggest bodybuilders in history.

“The most important lesson I’ve learned is that the most productive exercises are simple and compound.”

Training Intensity and Volume

Markus Ruhl’s training intensity was legendary, with a focus on high-volume sessions that pushed his muscles to the brink. He was never one to shy away from heavy weights, often lifting amounts that would make even seasoned lifters cringe.

His workouts were characterized by an unwavering commitment to outworking his competition, with each session designed to exhaust every muscle fiber. For Ruhl, intensity wasn’t just about moving big weights—it was about the sheer volume and duration of his workouts, frequently lasting well over two hours.

Each muscle group was subjected to a barrage of sets and reps, with Ruhl regularly performing upwards of 5 to 6 sets per exercise, often in the 8-12 rep range. But where most would stop at fatigue, Ruhl pushed further, frequently incorporating advanced techniques like drop sets and forced reps to break through plateaus.

His approach was simple but brutal: lift as heavy as possible for as many reps as possible, until the muscle had no choice but to grow.

One of the most striking aspects of Ruhl’s training routine was his commitment to heavy compound movements. Bench presses, deadlifts, squats—these were the bread and butter of his workouts.

He understood that these multijoint exercises were crucial for building the dense muscle mass that became his signature look. While isolation exercises played a role in his training, they were secondary to the big lifts that allowed him to pack on size in every muscle group.

Ruhl's training intensity was so extreme that his body required two full rest days each week just to recover from the relentless strain.

Day 4 and Day 7 of his weekly workout split were crucial for recuperation, allowing his muscles to repair and grow stronger in preparation for the next brutal workout. This balance between intense training and adequate recovery was a key factor in his ability to maintain peak performance throughout his career.

Markus Ruhl’s Approach to Workouts

Ruhl’s approach to exercises is characterized by meticulous motion and control. He firmly believes that building ultimate muscle mass requires utilizing the full range of motion in every movement.

This means executing each lift with slow, deliberate extensions and contractions to ensure the muscle fibers are thoroughly stressed, maximizing hypertrophy. By maintaining control throughout every repetition, he ensures that each set works the muscle from every angle, targeting both strength and size.

“Bodybuilding starts in the head. Those who are not ready to go beyond their spiritual limits will never become champs. There are many smart asses, but only very few of them are bodybuilders.”

Adopting a powerlifting mentality, Ruhl emphasizes form as the foundational element of effective mass gain. In his view, proper form must always come before the weight or number of reps. He focuses on executing each exercise correctly, ensuring that he squeezes the muscle at the top of the lift for maximum tension and results.

This disciplined approach allows him to achieve the “insane returns” that have made him a bodybuilding icon. Whether lifting heavy or opting for higher reps, Ruhl’s dedication to form, control, and pump sets the stage for serious muscle development.

Additional Reading: Workouts 101: Sets and Reps and Rest Intervals

Markus Ruhl’s Workout Routine

For Markus Ruhl, each workout session begins with one key focus: the pump. The sensation of blood rushing into the muscles serves as his guide, determining the direction of his training on any given day.

If he achieves a strong pump while lifting heavy weights, Ruhl will continue to push with intensity, sticking to his heavy-lifting plan. However, if the pump eludes him, he adjusts his strategy by dropping the weights and focusing on higher reps to stimulate muscle growth through endurance and volume.

Markus Ruhl’s Workout Split 1

  • – Monday: Chest
  • – Tuesday: Back
  • – Wednesday: Shoulders
  • – Thursday: Rest
  • – Friday: Legs
  • – Saturday: Arms
  • – Sunday: Rest


  • – Hammer Strength Chest Press: 8 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Incline Smith Machine Bench Press: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Standing Cable Chest Flyes: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Push-Ups: 15 to 20 reps for 5 sets
  • – Pec Deck Flyes: 15 reps for 5 sets


  • – Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 8 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – One Arm Machine Rows: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Hammer Strength Lat Pulldowns: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Bent Over Barbell Rows: 8 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Bent Over Dumbbell Rows: 8 to 12 reps for 5 sets


  • – Smith Machine Overhead Press: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Reverse Pec Deck Flyes: 12 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Lying Cable Upright Rows: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – One Arm Cable Lateral Raises: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Stranding Smith Machine Shrugs: 15 to 20 reps for 5 sets

Thursday—Rest Day


  • – Leg Extensions: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Leg Press: 6 to 15 reps for 8 sets
  • – Hack Squats: 8 to 12 reps for 8 sets
  • – Lying Leg Curls: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Single Leg Press: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Seated Calf Raises: 15 to 20 reps for 5 sets
  • – Standing Calf Raises: 15 to 20 reps for 5 sets


  • – Single Arm Dumbbell Curls: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Cable Triceps Pushdowns: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – One Arm Machine Preacher Curls: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets
  • – Machine Triceps Pushdowns: 10 to 15 reps for 5 sets

Sunday—Rest Day

Markus Ruhl’s Workout Split 2

  • – Monday: Chest
  • – Tuesday: Back
  • – Wednesday: Arms
  • – Thursday: Rest
  • – Friday: Legs
  • – Saturday: Shoulders
  • – Sunday: Rest


  • – Incline Smith Machine Bench Press: 4 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 8 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Straight Arm Dumbbell Pullovers: 8 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Machine Press: 8 to 12 reps for 5 sets


  • – Lat Pulldowns: 6 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Bent Over Dumbbell Rows: 8 to 10 reps for 5 sets
  • – Seated Cable Rows: 6 to 10 reps for 5 sets


  • – Machine Preacher Curls: 8 to 10 reps for 5 sets
  • – Dumbbell Curls: 6 to 10 reps for 5 sets
  • – Cable Triceps Pushdowns: 8 to 18 reps for 5 sets
  • – Cable Curls: 6 to 10 reps for 5 sets
  • – One Arm Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions: 8 to 10 reps for 5 sets
  • – Camber Bar Overhead Triceps Extensions: 6 to 10 reps for 5 sets

Thursday—Rest Day


  • – Leg Press: 4 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Lying Leg Curls: 10 to 20 reps for 5 sets
  • – Hack Squats: 4 to 12 reps for 8 sets
  • – Leg Extensions: 10 to 20 reps for 5 sets 


  • – Dumbbell Shrugs: 6 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 to 16 reps for 5 sets
  • – Upright Rows: 8 to 10 reps for 5 sets
  • – Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 8 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Dumbbell Bent Over Lateral Raises: 8 to 12 reps for 5 sets
  • – Dumbbell Front Raises: 5 to 12 reps for 5 sets

Sunday—Rest Day

Markus Ruhl often utilizes one day per week to concentrate on a muscle group that he believes needs more attention. 

Additionally, he will do heavy calf raises three times per week.

You’ll never find cardio in his training, considering it, in his words—”purely for pussies.”

Additional Reading: The Benefits of Pump-Style Training to Enhance Muscle Growth.

Markus Ruhl’s Diet Plan

To fuel his massive physique and intense workouts, Markus Ruhl’s diet plan was nothing short of extreme. He approached nutrition with the same dedication and discipline as his training, understanding that to build and maintain such a colossal amount of muscle, he needed to consume a high-calorie, nutrient-dense diet.

His meals were designed not only to support muscle growth, but also to provide the energy required for his demanding workouts and fast recovery.

“I don't do this to be healthy, I do this to get big muscles.” 

Calorie Intake and Macronutrient Breakdown

Ruhl's diet plan centered around a high-calorie intake, often exceeding 5,000 calories per day during his bulking phases. The primary focus was on hitting high-protein goals to repair and build muscle tissue, while maintaining energy levels through carbohydrates and healthy fats. His macronutrient breakdown was roughly structured as follows:

—Protein: As the building block of muscle, protein was a cornerstone of Ruhl’s diet. He consumed large amounts of lean meats such as chicken, beef, turkey, and eggs, ensuring his muscles had the necessary fuel to recover from his intense workouts. His daily protein intake often reached over 300 grams, supported by protein shakes and other supplements.

—Carbohydrates: To fuel his body and keep his energy levels high, Ruhl relied heavily on complex carbohydrates like rice, potatoes, oats, and whole grains. Carbs played a critical role in replenishing glycogen stores post-workout and providing sustained energy throughout the day, helping him power through his high-volume training sessions.

—Fats: While fats are often overlooked by many bodybuilders, Ruhl understood their importance in maintaining hormonal balance and providing slow-burning energy. His sources of fats came from foods like nuts, avocados, and egg yolks, ensuring a healthy balance in his diet without sacrificing his lean physique.

Sample Daily Meal Plan

Here’s a glimpse of what a typical day of eating might look like for Markus Ruhl during his peak training. Advanced bodybuilders are advised to be more conservative with the caloric surplus and the rate of weekly weight gain during the off-season.

  • Meal 1: 3 cups of egg whites, 6 whole eggs, 2 cups of oatmeal, and a fruit
  • Meal 2: Pre-workout—10oz to 12oz of grilled chicken breast, 3 cups of brown rice, and steamed vegetables
  • Meal 3: Post-workout—Whey Protein shake (3 scoops), peanut butter or nuts, and 2 fruits
  • Meal 4: 10oz to 12oz of steak or ground beef, 2 cups of white rice, and broccoli
  • Meal 5: 10oz to 12oz of grilled chicken breast, 3 cups of sweet potato, and steamed vegetables 

Focus on Consistency and Recovery

Markus Ruhl’s diet plan wasn’t just about eating big; it was about maintaining consistency and ensuring that his body was properly fueled for both growth and recovery. He knew that sticking to a regimented diet was as important as the hours spent in the gym.

His commitment to proper nutrition, combined with his high-calorie intake, enabled him to continuously pack on muscle and sustain his extreme physique.

Supplements Used by Markus Ruhl

In addition to a meticulously planned diet, Markus Ruhl relied on a core group of supplements to support his intense training regimen and fuel his massive physique. For Ruhl, supplements were not a replacement for proper nutrition but rather a key component to maximizing his muscle gains, enhancing recovery, and sustaining high energy levels.

His supplement stack focused on boosting muscle growth, improving performance, and ensuring efficient recovery.

1. Whey Protein: The Building Block of Muscle

Whey protein was a cornerstone of Ruhl’s supplement routine, providing him with a quick and efficient source of protein to fuel his muscle repair and growth. After grueling workouts, Markus turned to whey protein shakes to flood his muscles with amino acids, promoting recovery and reducing the risk of muscle breakdown.

With his daily protein requirements often exceeding 300 grams, whey protein was a convenient and fast-digesting option to ensure he hit his protein targets without having to rely solely on whole foods. It also played a critical role in pre- and post-workout nutrition, helping him replenish and repair muscle tissue at crucial times.

2. Creatine: Powering Explosive Strength

Creatine was another vital supplement in Ruhl’s regimen, helping him achieve the explosive power and strength required for his heavy lifting sessions. By boosting the body’s natural production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), creatine allowed Markus to lift heavier weights, complete more reps, and extend the intensity of his workouts.

Creatine also played a role in muscle volumization, helping him maintain the fullness and density of his muscles, which were hallmarks of his physique. For Ruhl, creatine was essential for both performance and aesthetics, enabling him to continuously push the limits in the gym.

3. Glutamine: Recovery and Immune Support

Given the intensity of his training, Ruhl needed a reliable way to aid in recovery and support his immune system. This is where glutamine came into play. As the most abundant amino acid in the body, glutamine is essential for muscle recovery and immune health, both of which are critical for someone training at Ruhl’s level.

His use of glutamine helped reduce muscle soreness, promote faster recovery between workouts, and maintain overall health, allowing him to train at peak intensity day after day. In addition to its recovery benefits, glutamine also played a role in maintaining gut health, further supporting Ruhl’s high-calorie diet.

The Role of Supplements in His Success

For Markus Ruhl, supplements were an essential tool in his pursuit of bodybuilding greatness. While his focus was always on consuming whole foods for the bulk of his nutrition, supplements provided him with the extra edge needed to fuel his training, accelerate recovery, and optimize his muscle gains.

By incorporating high-quality supplements like whey protein, creatine, and glutamine into his routine, Ruhl ensured that his body had all the necessary resources to perform at its best and recover effectively.

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