The Concerning Rise of Anabolic Steroid Use and What To Do First If Youre Considering It

Anabolic steroid use is on the rise, but just like with any substance with addictive potential, abrupt stoppage of steroid use can lead to withdrawal symptoms including anxiety and depression, fatigue, decreased libido, and more. In this article we discuss the downsides.More

The Concerning Rise of Anabolic Steroid Use and What To Do First If Youre Considering It

Anabolic steroid use is on the rise, with people looking to steroids for several reasons. The most common reasons include increasing muscle growth, shedding fat, and getting stronger. Some common ones you may have heard of include Metenolone ethanate, Turinabol, Anavar, and Primobolan.

While these substances may elicit the desired effects in terms of strength and muscle gains, each come with their own negative side effects and elicit different changes in the body as it relates to water retention and bloating, hormones, liver profile, and blood markers.

And even though anabolic steroid abuse is clearly associated with horrible side effects such as acne, gynecomastia (man boobs), shrinking testicles, azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate), infertility in men(1), mood changes and aggression (aka “roid rage”), stunted height and early puberty (in adolescents), heart attacks, strokes, liver failure, kidney failure, high blood pressure, blood clots, high cholesterol, and more, teenagers, adults, and athletes frequently use a wide variety of anabolic steroids and androgenic chemicals for both aesthetic uses and for improving performance(2).

But here’s the deal…

Just like with any substance with addictive potential, abrupt stoppage of steroid use can lead to withdrawal symptoms including anxiety and depression, fatigue, sleep problems, loss of appetite, decreased libido, and steroid cravings.

Among the most serious withdrawal symptoms is depression, which could lead to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts(1).

To make matters worse, because of bro science and the black market, unless it’s prescribed by a doctor and you get it from a legitimate pharmacy, you never know what you’re injecting into your body.

Seems a bit extreme for a little more muscle don’t you think?

What if there was a way you could get similar effects of incredible muscle growth, strength gains, and rapid fat loss without sticking yourself with a needle all the time?

Fortunately there is.

It’s called the A1 Stack and it is exactly what you’re looking for if your goal is to add muscle and strength and get lean-af without worrying about all of the other mess that comes with sticking yourself with a needle every week with highly questionable ‘anabolic compounds’.

How does it work?

It was designed with ingredients that signal your body to increase production of the muscle building hormones that many people are painfully injecting into themselves.

This muscle building stack includes:

  • - 3-epi
  • - 1-andro
  • - Alpha-AF

So, why this specific combination?

These products are formulated with precisely dosed ingredients that act as precursors to what your body produces naturally.

  • - 1-Andro is typically used by individuals who are seeking both strength and mass gains, while staying drier than anabolic compounds that cause fluid retention such as Metenolone ethanate and Turinabol. These are two examples that could be substituted by 1-Andro. The side effects of using these compounds such as Metenolone ethanate and Turinabol may materialize as some of the following: injection site pain, infection at injection site area, jaw and/or back cramps, hypertension, consistent, elevated lipid levels, headaches, other adverse effects from potentially tainted or faked batches. 1-Andro promotes enhanced strength, endurance, and mass gains while housing the compound in a strong liposomal bond suspended which have shown to be a safer and more effective form of oral administration.
  • - 3-EPI is typically used by individuals who are looking to dry out their physiques, while promoting and prioritizing androgenic activity, typically as part of a recomposition period or contest preparation phase. Anavar and Primobolan are examples where they could be substituted by 3-EPI. The side effects of these compounds may materialize as some of the following: adverse or unforeseen side effects from faked batches (a more popular occurrence in the case of Anavar), elevated liver profile, negative impact on cholesterol values, enhanced need for organ-support supplementation,and acne breakouts. 3-EPI promotes enhanced fat loss, heightened muscle definition, and androgenic activity while housing the compound in a strong liposomal bond suspended which have shown to be a safer and more effective form of oral administration.
  • - Alpha-AF is utilized as a post cycle therapy (PCT) supplement. Other forms of PCT are prevalent with AAS users, especially with injectable and harsh oral compounds. Because our Andros are liposomal-bound, and we use proper dosages of active compounds within our Andros, Alpha-AF is a suitable PCT for Andros users. Alpha-AF keeps testosterone levels high, modulates estrogen levels, and supports a smooth transition into the PCT and recovery phase.

Look, the fact is if you’re not a professional bodybuilder or strength athlete but are looking to gain muscle and strength, you don’t need to risk the adverse side effects that comes along with injecting questionable anabolic substances into your body.

There is a better way.

We created our line of Andro stacks to provide people an alternative to gaining muscle and strength while staying lean that doesn’t involve shady gym parking lot transactions or painful injections. All of our products undergo rigorous quality control testing to ensure quality and potency in order to provide you the tools you need to sculpt the physique you desire.

The A1 Stack is an ideal introduction to the individual interested in utilizing multiple Andros simultaneously. 1-Andro promotes high rates of anabolic activity whilst 3-EPI promotes high rates of androgenic activity, making these two compounds a great combination for a stack.

If you’re looking to reach another level of muscle growth and strength then The A1 Stack is exactly what you’re looking for. 




