Learn How To Make an Aeropress Latte with Our Easy Recipe

Discover how to create a delicious Aeropress latte with our step-by-step recipe guide and experience the perfect combination of rich espresso and creamy steamed milk from the comfort of your own home.

Learn How To Make an Aeropress Latte with Our Easy Recipe
Master the Art of Creating a Perfect Aeropress Latte with This Simple Recipe

Are you a latte lover who wants to learn how to make your favorite drink at home? Look no further! In this article, we will teach you how to make the perfect Aeropress latte with our easy recipe.

The Aeropress is a popular brewing method that produces a smooth and rich cup of coffee. It is known for its versatility and ability to highlight the flavors of different coffee beans. And when combined with steamed milk, it creates a delicious latte that rivals any café-made drink.

To make an Aeropress latte, you will need a few simple ingredients and equipment. First, make sure you have an Aeropress coffee maker, freshly roasted coffee beans, a coffee grinder, boiling water, milk, and a milk frother. These tools are essential in crafting the perfect latte.

Once you have gathered all the necessary ingredients and equipment, you are ready to start brewing your Aeropress latte. Follow our step-by-step instructions to ensure you achieve the best results. Get ready to impress your friends and family with your barista-level latte-making skills!

Gather and Measure Ingredients

Before you can start making your delicious Aeropress latte, you'll need to gather and measure your ingredients. Here's what you'll need:

1. Aeropress: Make sure you have your Aeropress ready to go. If you don't have one, you can easily purchase one online or at a local coffee shop.

Coffee: You'll need about 17-19 grams of coffee for a single serving. Choose a medium to fine grind for best results.

Water: You'll need about 200-250 ml of hot water, just off the boil. It's essential to have hot water as it will help extract the flavors from the coffee.

Milk: If you prefer your latte with milk, make sure you have your choice of milk ready. You can use regular cow's milk, almond milk, soy milk, or any other milk alternative you prefer.

Sweetener (optional): If you like your latte sweet, you can add your preferred sweetener, such as sugar, honey, or syrup.

Once you have all your ingredients ready, you're one step closer to making a perfect Aeropress latte. Make sure to measure the ingredients accurately to achieve the right balance of flavors in your latte.


Before you start making an Aeropress latte, it is important to gather and measure all the ingredients you will need. Here is a list of what you will need:

  • Aeropress: Make sure you have a clean and dry Aeropress ready for use.
  • Coffee: Choose your favorite coffee beans and grind them to a medium-fine consistency. You will need 17 grams of coffee for one serving.
  • Water: Boil fresh, filtered water. You will need around 200 grams for brewing and additional hot water for diluting if desired.
  • Milk: If you prefer a latte with milk, choose your preferred type (dairy or non-dairy) and have it ready for frothing.
  • Optional Additions: If you like to add any sweeteners or flavorings to your latte, have them prepared and ready to use.

Once you have gathered all the necessary ingredients, you are ready to move on to the next step of boiling the water.


Once you have gathered and measured your ingredients, it's time to start brewing your Aeropress latte. Follow the steps below to ensure a delicious cup of coffee:

Step 1: Assemble and Preheat the Aeropress

First, assemble your Aeropress by placing the filter in the cap and attaching it to the body of the Aeropress. Place the Aeropress on top of a sturdy coffee mug.

Next, preheat the Aeropress by pouring hot water into it. This helps to maintain the temperature of your coffee during the brewing process.

Step 2: Add Coffee and Water

Measure out the desired amount of coffee grounds. The recommended ratio is 1 scoop of coffee for every 8 ounces of water. Adjust the amount of coffee based on your personal preference.

Add the coffee grounds to the Aeropress, making sure they are evenly distributed. Then, pour hot water into the Aeropress slowly, saturating all of the coffee grounds.

Step 3: Stir for a Longer Time

After adding the water, use a spoon to stir the coffee and water mixture. Make sure to stir for a longer time, around 20-30 seconds, to extract all the flavors from the coffee grounds.

Step 4: Press the Plunger

Fit the plunger onto the Aeropress and gently press it down. Apply steady pressure until you hear a hissing sound or see the coffee start to drip into your mug. This should take about 20-30 seconds. If it feels too hard to press, adjust the grind size of your coffee to a coarser setting.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Once you have pressed all the coffee through the Aeropress and into your mug, remove the Aeropress and discard the used coffee grounds. If desired, add milk or any other desired toppings to your Aeropress latte and enjoy!

With these simple steps, you can easily brew a delicious Aeropress latte at home. Experiment with the coffee-to-water ratio and brewing time to find your perfect cup of coffee.

Assemble and Preheat the Aeropress

Before you can start brewing your delicious aeropress latte, it’s important to assemble and preheat your Aeropress. This will ensure that your coffee stays hot and your brew is consistent.

To assemble your Aeropress, start by attaching the filter cap to the bottom chamber. Make sure it fits securely and tightly so that no grounds escape during the brewing process. Next, place a paper filter into the filter cap. Rinse the filter with hot water to remove any residual paper taste and to preheat the Aeropress.

Now, position the Aeropress over your coffee mug or pitcher, with the filter cap facing downwards. It’s crucial to preheat the Aeropress, as this will help maintain the temperature of your coffee and prevent it from cooling down too quickly.

Step 1Attach the filter cap to the bottom chamber
Step 2Place a paper filter into the filter cap
Step 3Rinse the filter with hot water
Step 4Preheat the Aeropress over your coffee mug or pitcher

By assembling and preheating your Aeropress, you are setting the stage for a successful brewing process. This step not only ensures that your coffee will stay hot, but also helps to extract the maximum flavor from your coffee grounds, resulting in a rich and delicious aeropress latte.

Add Coffee and Water

Now that your Aeropress is preheated and ready to go, it's time to add the coffee and water. Start by placing a filter in the Aeropress cap and rinsing it with hot water. This will help remove any paper taste from the filter and ensure a clean-tasting latte.

Next, measure out the desired amount of coffee grounds. For an Aeropress latte, a good starting point is using 18-20 grams of coffee. However, feel free to adjust the amount to your personal taste preferences.

Add the coffee grounds to the Aeropress chamber and level them out. Make sure the coffee bed is even and flat for an even extraction.

Now it's time to add the water. Using a kettle or a water dispenser, heat the water to around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour the water slowly and evenly over the coffee grounds, making sure to saturate them completely. The water level should reach up to the desired quantity mark on the Aeropress chamber.

Once you've added the water, give it a gentle stir with a spoon or stirrer to ensure even distribution of the coffee grounds. This will help to extract the flavors more efficiently.

After stirring, let the coffee steep for about 1-2 minutes. This allows the flavors to fully develop and the extraction process to take place.

During this time, you can prepare your milk. Heat the desired amount of milk on the stovetop or using a milk frother until it reaches a creamy and smooth texture.

After the steeping time has elapsed, it's time to start the brewing process. Place the Aeropress plunger on top of the chamber and slowly press down with even pressure. The coffee concentrate will be pushed through the filter and into your mug.

Once you've finished pressing, remove the Aeropress from your mug. At this stage, you can enjoy your Aeropress latte as is or add any desired additional ingredients like sweeteners or flavors.

And there you have it - a delicious and perfectly brewed Aeropress latte! Experiment with different coffee beans, grind sizes, and milk ratios to find your perfect cup of latte.

Step 8: Stir for a Longer Time

Once you have added the coffee and hot water to your Aeropress, it's time to give it a good stir. This step is crucial for extracting all the flavors from the coffee grounds and ensuring a rich and balanced taste in your latte.

Take a stirring utensil, such as a spoon or paddle, and gently agitate the coffee and water mixture in a circular motion. Make sure to stir for at least 10 to 15 seconds, allowing the water to fully interact with the coffee grounds.

Stirring for a longer time helps to evenly distribute water throughout the coffee, promoting a more even extraction. This ensures that all the coffee grounds are fully saturated and extracting properly, resulting in a more flavorful and aromatic cup of latte.

As you stir, you may notice the formation of a creamy foam on the surface of the coffee. This is known as the "bloom" and is a sign that the coffee is releasing its natural oils and flavors. It adds to the overall richness and depth of your latte.

After stirring, let the coffee steep for a few more seconds to allow the flavors to fully develop. This step helps to enhance the taste and aroma of your latte.

Once you have completed the stirring process, move on to the next step of pressing the plunger to complete your Aeropress latte.

Step 9: Press the Plunger

Once you have stirred the coffee for a longer time, it's time to press the plunger. Place the Aeropress over a sturdy glass or mug, ensuring that it fits securely. Slowly and steadily press down on the plunger, using gentle force.

As you press, you will feel resistance, which is normal. This resistance ensures that the full flavor and aroma of the coffee are extracted. Continue pressing until you hear a hissing sound or the plunger reaches the bottom of the chamber.

Take your time during this step, as rushing can result in a less flavorful extraction. The controlled pressure applied to the plunger allows the hot water to push through the coffee grounds, creating a smooth and rich coffee concentrate.

Once you have pressed the plunger, carefully remove the Aeropress from the glass or mug. You can now dispose of the used coffee grounds and clean your Aeropress for future use. Congratulations, you have successfully made an Aeropress latte!

Note: Experiment with different brewing times, coffee-to-water ratios, and grind sizes to find your preferred taste. Adjusting these variables can greatly impact the flavor profile of your Aeropress latte. Have fun exploring and discovering your perfect cup of coffee!

Pro Tips for Making the Perfect Aeropress Latte

Now that you've mastered the basics of making an Aeropress latte, it's time to take your brewing skills to the next level with some pro tips. These tips will help you create a coffee masterpiece that is sure to impress even the most discerning latte connoisseurs.

  1. Experiment with different coffee beans: Try using different types of coffee beans to discover the flavor profiles that you enjoy the most. Whether it's a bold dark roast or a smooth light roast, the choice of beans can greatly impact the taste of your latte.
  2. Adjust the grind size: The grind size of your coffee grounds can affect the extraction process and ultimately the taste of your latte. Experiment with different grind sizes to find the one that produces the best results – a finer grind for a stronger flavor and a coarser grind for a milder taste.
  3. Play with water temperature: The temperature of the water can also influence the flavor of your latte. While the Aeropress recommends using water around 175-185°F (80-85°C), you can experiment with slightly higher or lower temperatures to achieve the desired balance of flavors.
  4. Utilize the inverted brewing method: The traditional Aeropress brewing method involves placing the plunger on top of the chamber, but some coffee enthusiasts swear by the inverted method. This method involves flipping the Aeropress upside down, adding the coffee and water, and then attaching the filter and plunger. It allows for a longer extraction time and can result in a bolder flavor.
  5. Try different milk options: While traditional lattes are made with steamed cow's milk, you can experiment with different types of milk to add a unique twist to your latte. Whether it's almond milk, oat milk, or coconut milk, each option can bring its own distinct flavor and creaminess to the final product.
  6. Get creative with latte art: Once you've perfected the brewing process, take your latte to the next level by experimenting with latte art. With a steady hand and some practice, you can create beautifully intricate designs on the surface of your latte, turning it into a work of art.

Remember, the key to making the perfect Aeropress latte is experimentation and practice. Don't be afraid to try new techniques, adjust the variables, and make it your own. With time, you'll develop your signature recipe that will have everyone coming back for more.

Clean Up and Storage

Once you have finished enjoying your delicious Aeropress latte, it's time to clean up and store your equipment properly.

Start by removing the spent coffee grounds from the Aeropress. Simply unscrew the filter cap and push the plunger to eject the coffee puck into the trash or compost bin.

Next, rinse the Aeropress thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining coffee residue. If necessary, use a sponge or brush to scrub away stubborn stains.

After cleaning, allow the Aeropress to air dry or pat it dry with a clean towel. Make sure all parts are completely dry before reassembling and storing to prevent mold or mildew growth.

Store your clean and dry Aeropress in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. It is best to keep it disassembled to allow for proper airflow and prevent any trapped moisture.

Additionally, you may want to store your coffee beans or grounds in an airtight container to maintain freshness and flavor. Keep them in a cool and dark location, such as a pantry or cupboard.

By properly cleaning and storing your Aeropress, you can ensure its longevity and continue to enjoy delicious Aeropress lattes for years to come.

Some important questions about Master the Art of Creating a Perfect Aeropress Latte with This Simple Recipe:

What is an Aeropress latte?

What is an Aeropress latte?

An Aeropress latte is a type of coffee drink made using an Aeropress, which is a manual coffee brewing device, and steamed milk. It is a smooth and creamy drink that combines the rich flavors of coffee with the velvety texture of milk.

How do you make an Aeropress latte?

How do you make an Aeropress latte?

To make an Aeropress latte, start by brewing a strong espresso-like coffee using the Aeropress. Then, froth the milk using a milk frother or by heating it on the stove and whisking vigorously. Finally, pour the steamed milk over the coffee and enjoy!

What type of coffee should I use for an Aeropress latte?

What type of coffee should I use for an Aeropress latte?

You can use any type of coffee beans for an Aeropress latte, but it is recommended to use a medium to dark roast for a more robust flavor. Experiment with different types of coffee beans to find your favorite flavor profile.

Can I make an Aeropress latte without a milk frother?

Can I make an Aeropress latte without a milk frother?

Yes, you can still make an Aeropress latte without a milk frother. Simply heat the milk on the stove and whisk vigorously to create foam. It may not be as frothy as using a milk frother, but it will still add a creamy texture to your latte.

Is an Aeropress latte the same as a regular latte?

Is an Aeropress latte the same as a regular latte?

An Aeropress latte is similar to a regular latte, but it is made using the Aeropress brewing method instead of an espresso machine. This gives the coffee a slightly different flavor profile. However, both lattes have the same concept of combining coffee with steamed milk.

What is an Aeropress?

What is an Aeropress?

An Aeropress is a coffee brewing device that uses air pressure to extract the flavors from coffee grounds.

How do I make an Aeropress Latte?

How do I make an Aeropress Latte?

To make an Aeropress Latte, you will need to brew a strong coffee concentrate using the Aeropress, then add steamed milk to it.

></p><p></p><h3>How long does it take to make an Aeropress Latte?</h3><p><img src=

Making an Aeropress Latte usually takes around 5-10 minutes, depending on how quickly you can brew the coffee concentrate and steam the milk.

Can I make an Aeropress Latte without an espresso machine?

Can I make an Aeropress Latte without an espresso machine?

Yes, you can make an Aeropress Latte without an espresso machine. The Aeropress is a great alternative for brewing strong coffee, and you can steam milk using a separate milk frother or by heating it on the stove.

What is an Aeropress Latte?

What is an Aeropress Latte?

An Aeropress Latte is a type of coffee made using an Aerobie Aeropress, which combines espresso-style coffee with steamed milk.

What ingredients do I need to make an Aeropress Latte?

What ingredients do I need to make an Aeropress Latte?

You will need coffee grounds, hot water, steamed milk, and any additional flavors or sweeteners you prefer.

Can I use regular coffee grounds for an Aeropress Latte?

Can I use regular coffee grounds for an Aeropress Latte?

Yes, you can use regular coffee grounds for an Aeropress Latte. However, using espresso-style coffee grounds will achieve a more authentic espresso flavor.

Do I need any special equipment to make an Aeropress Latte?

Do I need any special equipment to make an Aeropress Latte?

You will need an Aerobie Aeropress, a grinder to grind the coffee beans, a kettle to heat the water, and a milk frother to steam the milk. However, you can also use alternative methods or equipment if you don't have these specific tools.

What are some tips for making the perfect Aeropress Latte?

What are some tips for making the perfect Aeropress Latte?

Some tips for making the perfect Aeropress Latte include using freshly roasted coffee beans, experimenting with the coffee-to-water ratio, and practicing the technique of pressing the Aeropress to extract the flavors evenly.